Sunday, October 31, 2010

Barrett's Sneak Peek!!!

I had fun with Barrett Saturday. This little guy had alot of energy, it was hard trying to keep up with him.

So much energy at frist.

He loved his bunny. I really like this photo.

So cute!

Time to go home...he's done!!!

It's always fun to photograph kids. You can do it a 100 times and never have the same result, but that's great! Go to my website if you are needing pictures done.


Had the opportunity to photograph my nieces and nephew this past Saturday, had a blast.

Only took a billion shots and a tickle stick to get this one!

My brother hates photos, but whether he knew it or not,
I got him...not a bad smile.

My buddy Sammy Sam...he's adorable, only uncle John could
get him to grin this big.

Thank you for letting me capture these special moments. If you are needing pictures done, now is the time to get your session booked. Visit: for more info.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Family Vacation - Part 4


This is the last part of our family vacation, I hope all 3 followers have enjoyed it. :-) This blog will probably just be pictures for the most part. Not much today to say other than these things are amazing and are alot bigger than what you see here. It is definitely something to experience for yourself as long as you can wake up at 4:30 every morning! Enjoy:

Hannah learning from her daddy; she has a pretty good eye.

The Morris' I stated earlier, we got up at 4:30am, no child's hair is fixed.

I liked this photo, because you can see where the sun is beginning to peak over the mountains,
shining on the 2 center balloons.

Lots of balloons.

Not sure if she is awake.

Chloe loved to see Sponge Bob.

A lot of special shape balloons were there.

Once again...4am people...what do you expect.

Ronnie and I wanted to see how close we could get to these one evening before our cameras melted...luckily
no cameras were harmed.

With 250 balloons in the air, its amazing I isolated just one.


These photos were fun to shoot. I have never shot fireworks before, always wanted to, but I love to blow things up too, so that's usually what I would do every 4th of July. I slowed down my shutter speed a little and it made for some pretty cool shots.

This fireworks show was amazing, can't express that enough.

Yes, that is a heart. Heart shaped fireworks...very cool!

This shot is one of my favorites. I don't know what exactly it is, but my guess alot of smoke and either a firecracker beginning to pop or dying out, but I loved this shot.

I told you we would end this blog with a bang! Hope you enjoyed it. The next blog will probably be from the pumpkin patch.

Until next time...a new day, a new blog.